Update Hiker Rescue 07/07/2023 INC#1597

Update Hiker Rescue; INC#1597; 09:34PM; 3000 Reseda Blvd; https://bit.ly/3O1R9NA; Pacific Palisades; Due to the terrain and urgency (hoist operation taking a longer time to execute), LAFD Air Operations is landing on a flat, dirt area next to Reseda Blvd. Firefighters on the ground and LAPD will control traffic for safety. The 55yo male patient will be transported in grave condition. No further details.; FS 109; Batt 10; Valley Bureau; Council District 11; BC17 E109 E293 H4 H7 HA4 HA7 RA93 RH114 T93; CH8; 17; Margaret Stewart
