Update Hiker Rescue 04/21/2019 INC#0448

Update Hiker Rescue; INC#0448; 11:10AM; 12100 W Osborne St; http://bit.ly/2E8o5B4; Hansen Dam; The horse is now safely out of the mud;LAFD firefighters used a high-point rope system to assist the horse in it's efforts;The horse appears uninjured but is exhausted and stressed (based on owner feedback) from the rescue;Animal Regs member is on scene and making their way down to horse for evaluation;Plans underway to get trailer to horse for loading;LAFD resources will remain on scene until horse is safely underway ; FS 98; Batt 12; Valley Bureau; Council District 7; BC12 CM42 E288 E298 E77 E88 E98 H2 H6 HR3 RA874 RA88 RA90 RA98 RH214 T88 T98 UR88; CH8; 17; Margaret Stewart
