Update Hazardous Materials 03/17/2022 INC#0388

Update Hazardous Materials; INC#0388; 10:30AM; 4541 W Electronics Pl; https://bit.ly/3u5FP83; Atwater Village; A metal vessel was being prepared for packaging/distribution and a small valve broke, expelling gas into the air creating a small cloud which rapidly dissipated. There was no fire, no explosion, no injuries and no medical complaints. The building was evacuated as a precaution (no other evacuations were mandated). Hazardous Materials firefighters made entry with specialized gas meters and determined there is no current threat - there were no readings of concern on the meters. Residents in the area detecting an unusual odor have been recommended to shelter in place (closing doors and windows). If they wish to leave the area, the recommended direction of travel is South of the incident (location is shown in the map link in this alert). The incident is now downgrading with most resources being released. The business involved is Huntsman Chemical. No further details at this time.; FS 50; Batt 2; Central Bureau; Council District 13; BC1 BC14 BC2 BC5 CE83 CM21 CM22 E11 E201 E209 E21 E221 E235 E250 E287 E42 E56 E87 E90 EA1 EM2 H6 HA6 HL9 HM75 JT1 JT2 JT3 JT6 PI1 PI2 RA13 RA21 RA35 RA39 RA55 RA56 RA87 SQ21 SQ87 T1 T21 T35 T87 T9 UA1 UA6; CH7; 13 14 15; Margaret Stewart
