Update Greater Alarm Structure Fire KNOCKDOWN 05/09/2020 INC#0903

Update KNOCKDOWN Greater Alarm Structure Fire; INC#0903; 05:28PM; 4817 N Hasekian Dr; https://bit.ly/3bmUWOS; Tarzana; A fire enveloping the garage of a 3,051 sq-ft single-family home built in 1955 extended into the living space and attic of the structure as firefighters arrived. Firefighters coordinated interior fire attack with vertical ventilation to quickly knock down the bulk of the flames. Challenging access (double attic) led to an extended operations to chase down the remainder of the fire in the attic. After extensive ventilation efforts to access the all portions and divisions of the attic, all fire was eliminated 1 hour and 17 minutes after the alarm. One occupant who was home at the time, safely escaped prior to dialing 9-1-1. The cause of the fire has yet to be determined. No reported injuries; FS 93; Batt 17; Valley Bureau; Council District 3; BC15 BC17 CM42 E273 E293 E73 E84 E93 RA73 RA84 T73 T93 LF39 E105 EM17 BC10; CH9; 12; -Nicholas Prange
