Update Greater Alarm Structure Fire KNOCKDOWN 01/16/2021 INC#0707

Update KNOCKDOWN Greater Alarm Structure Fire; INC#0707; 12:42PM; 18227 W Elkwood St; https://bit.ly/2LuHJgf; Reseda; *Several Addresses Affected* A total of 68 firefighters battled by ground and by air for 49 minutes, extinguishing the flames and saving all homes in the area (only minor damage to roofing material on one home). Vegetation and multiple out buildings were damaged. No injuries were reported. The cause of the fire is under investigation. ; FS 73; Batt 17; Valley Bureau; Council District 12; BC10 BC12 BC15 BC17 CE59 CM42 E10 E100 E104 E26 E273 E290 E305 E48 E61 E66 E69 E70 E73 E87 E89 JT1 JT2 PI1 RA104 RA70 RA73 T105 T90; CH8; 13 17 18; Nicholas Prange
