Update Greater Alarm Structure Fire #HaskellFire 12/18/2020 INC#1436

Update #HaskellFire Greater Alarm Structure Fire; INC#1436; 08:00PM; 7955 N Haskell Av; https://bit.ly/3pawWWn; Van Nuys; The Greater Alarm firefight continues with 90 LAFD personnel assigned. 20 minutes after the first crews arrived, structural compromise - the conventional roof supporting air conditioners (building reportedly has no attic) of two centrally located units, led to hybrid defensive tactics in that area, as the otherwise offensive battle continues at the 12-unit 1-story (25,907 square-foot) row of commercial occupancies, built in 1957. LAFD PIO Firefighter David Ortiz is en route, ETA 8:45 PM. PRE-FIRE STREET VIEW: https://goo.gl/maps/N1UBkE6ha9rds3K56; FS 90; Batt 10; Valley Bureau; Council District 6; BC10 BC12 BC14 BC15 CM42 E100 E103 E239 E273 E287 E289 E290 E298 E39 E81 E87 E88 E90 EM15 HR3 RA100 RA7 RA889 T39 T73 T87 T89 T90 T98 UR88 UR89 EA1 PI2; CH9; 17 18; Brian Humphrey
