Update Greater Alarm Structure Fire 11/30/2020 INC#0639

Update Greater Alarm Structure Fire; INC#0639; 12:30PM; 1243 W Gage Av; https://bit.ly/36pBEcC; Vermont-Slauson; With 70 LAFD personnel still assigned in an active firefight, this blaze, which extended to a pair of neighboring homes, west and north of the initially involved structure, as well as a pair of parked vehicles, is considered a Greater Alarm. The only active fire at this time is in the structurer to the north. LAFD Paramedics are medically evaluating one person (unknown affiliation) with a minor laceration. No other injuries reported.; FS 57; Batt 13; South Bureau; Council District 8; BC1 BC13 BC4 CM22 EA1 E203 E205 E215 E221 E226 E233 E266 E33 E57 E66 E94 EM11 HR3 RA257 RA5 RA57 T15 T21 T26 T33 T5 T66 UR5; CH9; 12 15; Brian Humphrey
