Update Greater Alarm Structure Fire 09/11/2023 INC#1130

Update Greater Alarm Structure Fire; INC#1130; 05:20PM; 4163 S Broadway St; https://bit.ly/3Zae6Cd; #HistoricSouthCentral; As a result of visible structural compromise that could lead to collapse of the vacant 150' x 150' two-story commercial building that was on fire earlier today (also the scene of previous fires), the LAFD has summoned the American Red Cross to assist with temporary accommodations for the nine (9) adults, one (1) infant and five (5) pets who reside at a residential fourplex just west of the fire building. Though the residential fourplex did not sustain any direct fire damage, it is within the calculated collapse zone of the fire building, should it fail. The City of Los Angeles Department of Building & Safety has again Red-Tagged the fire building as unfit for entry. The fire's cause remains under active investigation.; FS 46; Batt 13; South Bureau; Council District 9; AR1 BC13 CM20 CM22 DT1 E14 E15 E211 E215 E221 E233 E29 E33 E46 E5 EA1 EM11 HE1 JT1 RA15 RA246 RA815 SO1 SQ21 T11 T15 T21 T33 TP1 UA1 UR5 UR88; CH7; 12; Brian Humphrey
