Update Greater Alarm Structure Fire 08/19/2024 INC#1136

Update Greater Alarm Structure Fire; INC#1136; 04:18PM; 10168 W Toluca Lake Av; https://bit.ly/4dOEJm7; #TolucaLake; The systematic search by LAFD Firefighters for four missing pet cats, has sadly led to two of the felines discovered deceased within the heavily burnt residence. The other two pet cats remain unaccounted for at this hour. No human injuries have been reported. The fires cause remains the focus of an active investigation.; FS 86; Batt 14; Valley Bureau; Council District 2; BC10 BC14 BC5 CE83 CM40 CM42 E102 E235 E260 E278 E288 E289 E76 E82 E86 E89 E97 EA1 EM12 EM14 EM5 RA102 RA76 RA82 RA86 RA97 T35 T39 T60 T78 T88 T89; CH8; 13 18; Brian Humphrey
