Update Greater Alarm Structure Fire 06/21/2024 INC#0557

Update Greater Alarm Structure Fire; INC#0557; 11:55AM; 955 S Kenmore Av; https://bit.ly/3RD4Ync; #Koreatown; The earlier missing dog - a 15-year-old Maltese named "Marty McFly", appears to have safely escaped when the adult male resident attempted to re-enter the burning home. The man has adamantly declined recommended transportation by ambulance to an area hospital for further evaluation of his smoke inhalation and minor thermal injury. During fire attack, one LAFD Firefighter sustained a sizable deep tissue laceration to the back of his left hand. He has received clinical care and been placed off duty to heal. No other injuries have been reported. Though the fire's cause has yet to be formally determined, the investigation is currently focused on a handful of small lithium-ion batteries (charging?) on the patio, that may prove to be the origin of the fire.; FS 13; Batt 11; Central Bureau; Council District 10; BC1 BC11 BC13 BC18 BC6 CM20 CM22 E10 E13 E15 E203 E215 E220 E226 E26 E29 E3 EM11 HR3 JT3 RA29 RA803 RA811 RA813 SO1 SQ21 T15 T20 T26 T3 T9 UR3 UR88; CH7; 12 13; Brian Humphrey
