Update Greater Alarm Structure Fire 06/01/2020 INC#1233

Update Greater Alarm Structure Fire; INC#1233; 08:10PM; 15708 W Vanowen St; https://bit.ly/2U0aMZP; Van Nuys; LAFD found a strip mall on fire that was previously looted. There was a report of a shooting at the scene prior to LAFD arrival. No patients or suspects found on scene. LAPD responded with LAFD for force protection. Fire damaged at least three units prior to firefighters extinguishing the fire. 71 LAFD personnel have extinguished the flames, and firefighters continue searching the walls and attic spaces for extension. No reported injuries. The cause of the fire is under investigation; FS 90; Batt 10; Valley Bureau; Council District 6; BC12 BC15 BC17 BP78 CM22 CM41 E100 E105 E287 E288 E289 E290 E7 E73 E83 E87 E88 E89 EM15 RA100 RA84 RA90 T87 T88 T89 T90; CH9; 17; -Nicholas Prange
