Update Greater Alarm Structure Fire 02/18/2021 INC#0647

Update Greater Alarm Structure Fire; INC#0647; 12:07PM; 9850 N Reseda Bl; https://bit.ly/3s3CsM4; Northridge; 95 LAFD Firefighters assigned in offensive operations at what is now a Greater Alarm incident known as the #ResedaFire, with aggressive interior fire attack on heavy fire within one 3rd floor unit at a three-story, largely center hallway 53-unit apartment building. At least three civilians are being evaluated by LAFD Paramedics for unspecified injuries. LAFD Public Information Officer Captain Erik Scott is en route - ETA 12:45; FS 70; Batt 15; Valley Bureau; Council District 12; BC12 BC15 E103 E273 E287 E70 E8 EM15 RA70 RA73 RA903 T73 T87 + +; CH9; 17, 18; Brian Humphrey
