Update Grass Fire 06/08/2020 INC#1581

Update Grass Fire; INC#1581; 10:09PM; 3601 S Gaffey St; https://bit.ly/2zdIofE; San Pedro; KNOCKDOWN: 59 firefighters held the fire at approximately 2 acres of light grass, getting a knockdown in 39 minutes. Crews have hand lines completely surrounding the burn and there are no spot fires outside of the burn. Fire companies will be on scene overhauling any remaining hot spots. No injuries reported. No further details; FS 48; Batt 6; South Bureau; Council District 15; BC6 E101 E112 E248 E285 E290 E36 E38 E48 E85 E90 H1 H3 H6 HA1 HA3 HA6 RA101 T48 T85 T90; CH7; 13; Margaret Stewart
