Update Flooding 12/19/2015

Update Flooding; 07:39AM; 8578 Appian Way; https://goo.gl/maps/3uvAmGy42352; Hollywood (Hills & Northwest); A 6" water main broke above 2 homes (now Red Tagged by Building & Safety) and caused mud to slide against the rear of the structures. LAFD & DWP quickly shut down the water flow, however a significant amount of water and mud rapidly entered the 2 houses. Firefighters assisted residents in retrieving personal belongings. An approximate 20' section of the roadway collapsed. No injury. LAFD no longer on scene, NFD.; FS 97; Batt 14; Valley Bureau; Council District 2; BC14 E227 E97 T27 UR27 UR88; 8; 17; Erik Scott
