Update Flooding 06/13/2023 INC#1223

Update Flooding; INC#1223; 07:00PM; 3995 N Avenida Del Sol; https://bit.ly/3Pbm0bn; #StudioCity; Prior to 7:00 PM, firefighters and LADWP responders were able to stop the high pressure, high volume flow of water from a fire hydrant sheared by a vehicle that departed the scene prior to their arrival. Damaged by floodwater were the unoccupied sanctuary and as many as *five* unoccupied classrooms at nearby Saint Michael & All Angels Episcopal Church. Firefighters are continuing their hours long effort to sweep water and salvage precious contents from the sanctuary and classrooms. The L.A Department of Building & Safety has been summoned (unknown ETA) to formally evaluate the extent of damage to the buildings. No injury.; FS 78; Batt 14; Valley Bureau; Council District 4; BC14 E108 E239 E260 E278 T39 T60 T78; CH8; 17; Brian Humphrey
