Update Fatality - Structure Fire 11/10/2020 INC#1212

Update Fatality - Structure Fire; INC#1212; 10:28AM; 1104 W Oak Grove Dr; https://bit.ly/2UdJCOR; Eagle Rock; At approximately 9:30AM, the body of a deceased, adult male victim was located within the structure which sustained significant damage in last nights fire (original incident 11.09.20 5:44PM). This remains an ongoing investigation by LAFD Arson Section and LAPD. The LA County Coroner/Medical Examiner's Office will determine cause of death and confirm identification. LAFD resources will remain on scene for an unspecified period to assist with the safe removal of remains. No further details.; FS 42; Batt 2; Central Bureau; Council District 14; AR1 AR10 AR21 BC1 BC11 BC13 BC18 BC2 BC702 CM21 CM22 CM42 E12 E20 E201 E202 E205 E21 E210 E212 E235 E238 E250 E285 E289 E42 E44 E55 E89 E9 E90 EA1 EM1 EM13 H2 HA2 PH1 PI2 RA1 RA12 RA55 RA56 RT40 T1 T10 T12 T2 T35 T38 T5 T50 T85 T89 UR88 UR89; CH7; 14 15 16; Margaret Stewart
