Update - Earthquake Mode Complete 09/19/2020 INC#1694

Update Mode Complete - Earthquake; INC#1694; 12:43AM; near El Monte, CA; https://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/eventpage/ci38695658/executive; The preliminary magnitude 4.6 earthquake that struck at 11:38 PM PDT approximately 3km WSW of El Monte, California, has been *updated to a M4.5 event*. Though felt widely in the greater Los Angeles area, we are pleased to report there are no serious injuries, and no preliminary indication of significant infrastructure damage within the City of Los Angeles. Firefighters from 106 Neighborhood Fire Stations have completed their citywide survey. The LAFD has concluded Earthquake Emergency Mode and returned to normal emergency operations. We ask local residents to be prepared for aftershocks. Should you be inside when shaking starts: DROP, COVER, HOLD ON! by protecting your head + neck while taking cover under sturdy furniture or near a sturdy interior wall, away from windows and doorways until the shaking stops. At sunrise, we encourage you to again survey your home inside and out for possible damage, and to review earthquake safety and preparedness information at READY.GOV so that your family will be prepared not if, but when a significant earthquake occurs.; - Brian Humphrey
