Update Confined Space Rescue 11/07/2019 INC#0731

Update Confined Space Rescue; INC#0731; 01:40PM; 24910 S Baypoint Av; http://bit.ly/2pPnKOc; Wilmington; The first entry team made their way into the pipe and is nearing the end of their reach (based on air hoses which are a maximum of 300 feet) therefore a 2nd entry team is preparing. They are evaluating the best location further down the pipe to make entry from the opposite direction; FS 38; Batt 6; South Bureau; Council District 15; BC1 BC13 BC6 CM22 CM32 E203 E205 E238 E285 E3 E38 E49 E5 E85 EM13 HR3 RA5 RA66 RA79 RA85 T3 T38 T5 T85 UR3 UR5 UR85 UR88; CH7; 12 13; Margaret Stewart
