Update Chemical Spill 11/10/2023 INC#0709

Update Chemical Spill; INC#0709; 02:05PM; 1168 La Live Wy; https://bit.ly/3QBQH8U; Downtown; While HazMat trained firefighters are working to identify the product, all LA Live employees in the area are being valuated by LAFD (more than 10 but exact number being determined). Additional resources are enroute to assist with the patient triage. There are no patients currently exhibiting any signs or symptoms of a serious illness. ; FS 10; Batt 1; Central Bureau; Council District 9; BC1 E10 E210 E221 EM11 RA10 RA11 RA209 RA21 SQ21 T10 T21; CH7; 12; Margaret Stewart
