Update Brush Fire #HansenFire - Contained 08/31/2022 INC#0882

Update #HansenFire - Contained Brush Fire; INC#0882; 02:06PM; 11798 W Foothill Bl; https://bit.ly/38aohAJ; #HansenDam; Despite ambient temperature as high as 106°F, LAFD ground and air units with Automatic Aid from Los Angeles County Fire Department ground units, took 64 minutes to stop forward progress of the fire, holding the blaze to approximately *one* acre of medium-to-heavy brush in two nearby locations within the Hansen Dam Recreation Area. No structure damage. No evacuation. No injury. LAFD helicopters and all LACoFD units have been released. A limited number of LAFD ground crew will remain on scene for at least two hours to overhaul and complete extinguishment of smoldering debris. Fire cause under investigation.; FS 98; Batt 12; Valley Bureau; Council District 7; BC12 BC14 BP109 CE83 CE84 CM40 CM42 DZ12 E24 E274 E275 E290 E77 E81 E8139 E8140 E89 E91 EM15 H1 H3 H4 HA1 HA3 HA4 HE1 RA75 RA98 T74 T75 T90 WT77 + LACoFD; CH5; 18; Brian Humphrey
