Update Brush Fire #GettyFire 10/29/2019 INC#0074

Update Brush Fire #GettyFire; INC#0074; 08:00AM; Sb 405 Fy X Getty Center Dr; https://www.lafd.org/news/getty-fire; Los Angeles; As of 8:00AM PDT today, the size of the fire is 656 acres with a 5% containment. ALL AREAS that were in the Mandatory Evacuation (RED) zone remain under Mandatory Evacuation, and are off-limits, with NO public entry being permitted as Police Officers continue to protect those neighborhoods. Those who remain in the Evacuation Warning (YELLOW) zones (including the Mountain Gate Community which was repopulated last night) are reminded to review Ready, Set, Go! procedures at: https://www.lafd.org/ready-set-go. Firefighters continued to take advantage of the favorable weather conditions into today, working with aircraft to extinguish any flare ups and mop up hot spots. Current objectives include structure protection and building further containment lines before another forecasted Santa Ana Wind event begins tonight around 11:00PM (wind gusts of 30-50 mph are expected). The Westwood and Palisades Recreation Centers remain open 24 hours for any residents (small animals welcome). 8 residences were destroyed and 6 damaged by the fire. There are no reported injuries/fatalities to civilians or firefighters. 7,091 residences remain under threat. 1,165 personnel are assigned to this incident. ; FS 19; Batt 9; West Bureau; Council District 11; Margaret Stewart
