Update Brush Fire - Forward Progress Stopped 10/25/2024 INC#0309

Update Brush Fire - Forward Progress Stopped; INC#0309; 07:08AM; 5010 N Griffin Av; https://bit.ly/3UnQvMZ; Montecito Heights; Firefighters stopped all forward progress with no injuries reported and no structures threatened. The fire was held to less than 1/2 acre.; FS 12; Batt 2; Central Bureau; Council District 1; AO1 AO2 BC1 BC2 BP44 E1 E12 E16 E201 E212 E290 E44 E47 E55 E90 EM2 H1 H2 H4 H7 HA1 HA2 HA4 HA7 RA1 RA90 T1 T12 T90 WT77; CH5; 13; Margaret Stewart
