Update Brush Fire - Elysian Park 07/07/2023 INC#1023

Update Brush Fire - Elysian Park; INC#1023; 03:28PM; 476 W Solano Av; https://bit.ly/3JPAMRM; Elysian Park; The fire is estimated at 5 acres and firefighters have handlines around the entire perimeter. There are no injuries reported and no structures threatened. ; FS 1; Batt 2; Central Bureau; Council District 1; AO1 BC1 BC11 BC2 BC5 CM20 CM22 E1 E11 E15 E16 E20 E201 E202 E220 E290 E38 E4 E42 E44 E47 E55 E56 E90 EM1 H2 H3 H4 HA2 HA3 HA4 RA1 RA209 RA3 T1 T2 T20 T90; CH5; 12; Margaret Stewart
