Update Brush Fire #EasternFire 08/23/2022 INC#0207

Update #EasternFire Brush Fire; INC#0207; 05:30AM; 2651 N Lombardy Bl; https://bit.ly/3pWENcV; #ElSereno; This incident, known as the "Eastern Fire' is terrain-driven (no wind), and now believed to have consumed as many as 6 acres of light grass, and is NOT currently threatening any homes. ; FS 16; Batt 2; Central Bureau; Council District 14; BC1 BC11 BC2 BP47 CM20 CM22 E1 E12 E13 E14 E16 E17 E20 E201 E202 E209 E21 E212 E25 E3 E42 E44 E52 E55 E56 E6 E90 EM1 H1 H3 H5 HA1 HA3 HA5 RA12 RA47 RA90 T1 T12 T2; CH5; 13; Brian Humphrey
