Update Brush Fire CONTAINED 09/02/2020 INC#1174

Update CONTAINED Brush Fire; INC#1174; 07:14PM; 500 N Buena Vista Dr; https://bit.ly/2zTt2N3; Elysian Park; It took 59 LAFD firefighters 32 minutes to extinguish the flames by ground and by air, holding the fire to less than one acre. No reported injuries. The cause of the fire is under investigation; FS 1; Batt 2; Central Bureau; Council District 1; BC1 BC2 E1 E201 E203 E220 E4 E44 E450 E56 E90 EM11 H1 H2 H4 H6 HA1 HA2 HA4 HA6 RA3 RA90 T1 T20 T3; CH7; 13; -Nicholas Prange
