Update Brush Fire 11/09/2018 INC#0371

Update Brush Fire; INC#0371; 07:53AM; 194 Griffith Park; http://bit.ly/2PPB1S3; Griffith Park; #ToyonIC Fire estimated at 2-3 acres in heavy brush with no wind. Location east/below Toyon helispot. Fire engines are not able to reach the location and crews are hiking in and determining method of getting water to the fire. LA County Fire helicopter enroute ; FS 56; Batt 5; West Bureau; Council District 4; BC11 BC13 BC5 BP44 CM22 E1 E12 E210 E220 E235 E250 E35 E44 E56 E6 E76 E82 E90 H5 H735 PI2 RA850 T20 T35 T50; CH18; 14; Margaret Stewart
