Update Brush Fire 07/18/2020 INC#0886

Update Brush Fire; INC#0886; 04:05PM; 3100 N Coldwater Canyon Av; https://bit.ly/2ZER8G4; Studio City; Approximately one-half acre is burning in medium brush with 8 - 10 mph winds, near TreePeople (to the east of the Coldwater x Mulholland intersection). There are homes in the vicinity. Fire crews have been assigned to protect the nearby homes. LAFD helicopters have made water drops to slow the spread of the fire, but ground crews will ultimately finalize extinguishment after overcoming access challenges; FS 108; Batt 14; Valley Bureau; Council District 2; BC14 BC5 BP78 CM42 E108 E260 E278 E290 E41 E58 E71 E76 E82 E97 EM14 H0B H0F H1 H3 H4 HA1 HA3 HA4 RA97 T60 T78 T90 WT77; CH9; 13; -Nicholas Prange
