Update Brush Fire 05/03/2022 INC#1341

Update Brush Fire; INC#1341; 07:12PM; 11770 W Foothill Bl; https://bit.ly/3Lo2Fiz; Hansen Dam; The fire is at approximately 6 acres with light (10-15pmh) winds and no ember cast. Firefighters continue to anchor, flank and pinch the fire. LA County Fire also has a brush response on scene. No structures threatened and no injuries reported. ; FS 98; Batt 12; Valley Bureau; Council District 7; AO1 BC10 BC12 BP74 DZ11 E24 E274 E275 E290 E298 E75 E89 E90 E91 E98 EM14 H2 H3 H5 HA2 HA3 HA5 HE1 RA98 T74 T75 T90 T98 WT77 WT88; CH5; 17; Margaret Stewart
