Update Brush Fire 03/23/2021 INC#1304

Update Brush Fire; INC#1304; 08:25PM; 8648 W La Tuna Canyon Rd; https://bit.ly/3sbFuyl; Shadow Hills; Two story, ascending hillside home, fully involved in fire with minimal current brush involvement. LAFD Air Ops helicopters are focusing on preventing the fire from extending into the brush while ground firefighters are working to extinguish the structure fire. All occupants of the home were reported safely out prior to LAFD arrival. ; FS 77; Batt 12; Valley Bureau; Council District 7; AO2 BC12 BC14 BP74 CW3A E24 E274 E289 E290 E298 E77 E86 E89 E98 EM14 H2 H4 H5 HA2 HA4 HA5 RA77 RA90 T74 T89 T90 T98 WT77; CH5; 17; Margaret Stewart
