Update Aircraft Emergency 04/29/2023 INC#1415

Update Aircraft Emergency; INC#1415; 10:00PM; 3530 Oakfield Dr; https://bit.ly/41PpHqO; #ShermanOaks; LAFD ground crews continue to systematically search the region, that is shrouded with thick ground level fog. If an aircraft is located or there is a change in the search status, we will issue an additional LAFD Alert with updates.; FS 99; Batt 10; Valley Bureau; Council District 5; AO1 AO2 BC10 E108 E109 E288 E88 EM14 H3 H4 HA3 HA4 HR3 RA83 RA88 RA99 RH114 T88 UR88; CH8; 17; Brian Humphrey
