Train vs Vehicle 06/30/2022 INC#1076

Train vs Vehicle; INC#1076; 03:27PM; 1199 W Exposition Bl;; #ExpositionPark; An Expo Line train collided with one vehicle. Driver is out of the vehicle (no extrication needs). Firefighters/paramedics searched the train for any possible patients. No medical complaints found. Thankfully, no hospital transports needed (including driver of vehicle). LAPD Inc #2759. Nothing further. ; FS 15; Batt 13; South Bureau; Council District 8; BC1 BC11 BC13 E13 E14 E210 E215 E226 E34 EM11 HR3 RA10 RA835 SQ21 T10 T15 T26; CH7; 13; Nicholas Prange
