Traffic Collision with Entrapment 05/09/2021 INC#1380

Traffic Collision with Entrapment; INC#1380; 09:30PM; 16637 W Foothill Bl;; Sylmar; Two vehicle collision with 3 patients total, one of whom is now deceased at scene. Two remaining adult male patients in undetermined condition (unknown affiliation / circumstances) are being transported by LAFD Paramedics to a regional Trauma Center. Media Inquiries: LAPD Valley Traffic Incident #4141 and Coroner.; FS 91; Batt 12; Valley Bureau; Council District 7; BC12 E18 E275 E298 E75 E91 EM15 HR3 RA18 RA75 RA91 T75 T98 UR88; CH8; 17; Brian Humphrey
