Traffic Collision 03/02/2020 INC#0681

Traffic Collision; INC#0681; 10:53AM; 5427 S Long Beach Av;; Central-Alameda; Vehicle collided with unspecified direction Metro A (Blue) Line light rail train (with possible fire involving vehicle?) and damage to the rail crossing. 1 patient only from the vehicle at this time (unknown age / gender / condition / affiliation / circumstances ). Though some passengers are being assisted from the train, there are no additional injuries. Media: LAPD Central Traffic Incident #2083, Metro and LASD Transit Services Bureau; FS 21; Batt 13; South Bureau; Council District 9; Dispatched LAFD Units: E221 T21 E21 RA21 RA846 RA815 EM1 BC1; Radio Channels: 4; 12; - Brian Humphrey
