Traffic 03/27/2020 INC#0745

Traffic; INC#0745; 01:31PM; 2300 W Washington Bl;; Harvard Heights; A suv crashed into a side wall of a convalescent home, partially into the kitchen area. There are no injuries to occupants or driver of the vehicle. The utilities (water, gas, electrical) are currently shut off. Building & Safety notified for their response to determine status of the building. LAFD Urban Search and Rescue enroute to determine if any stabilization required for removal of the vehicle. There are approximately 50 residents of the home (varying levels of mobility) and the situation is being evaluated by staff to determine a plan for any potential relocation required. Any questions regarding the cause of the collision are directed to LAPD Olympic Division Inc# 2422. No further details ; FS 26; Batt 11; Central Bureau; Council District 10; BC11 E226 E26 RA26 RA826 T26 UR88; CH4; 12; Margaret Stewart
