Traffic 02/23/2025 INC#0368

Traffic; INC#0368; 06:25AM; 12606 W Culver Bl;; Del Rey; LAFD responded to a traffic accident involving a an RV. As a result of the collision, 10 gallons of diesel fuel has flowed onto the street. LAFD has contained the leak and is requesting additional clean up assistance from co-operating LA City agencies. DOT is on scene directing traffic on Culver Blvd, which is closed in both directions from Braddock to mid-block at Culver Blvd for an unknown duration. No injuries to LAFD personnel or civilians reported. No further information at this time. ; FS 67; Batt 4; West Bureau; Council District 11; BC4 E295 E67 E95 HM95 JT1 T95; CH4; 13; Jennifer Middleton
