Technical Rescue - Litter Basket 06/11/2023 INC#0761

Technical Rescue - Litter Basket; INC#0761; 01:02PM; 3850 N Barham Bl;; Hollywood Hills; 26 yo F patient on river bed (dry) fell approximately 25' and sustained a possible leg fracture. Firefighters are setting up to conduct a litter basket operation (litter basket lowered via rope system from the end of the aerial ladder) to bring the patient back to street level for transport to the hospital in fair condition. The 9-1-1 call was received at 12:34PM. No further details.; FS 76; Batt 5; West Bureau; Council District 4; BC10 BC14 BC18 E235 E260 E289 E60 E76 E89 EM11 HR3 RA76 RA89 T35 T60 T89 UR88 UR89; CH7; 13; Margaret Stewart
