Technical Rescue 03/31/2023 INC#1748

Technical Rescue; INC#1748; 11:54PM; 668 S Bixel St;; Westlake; Vehicle dangling off 5th floor of large parking structure (over commercial) with no driver located. Firefighters stabilized the vehicle and secured a perimeter on the ground. The Heavy Rescue apparatus will use chains to pull the vehicle back safely into the structure. There are no injuries reported. LAPD Inc# 4532; FS 11; Batt 11; Central Bureau; Council District 1; BC1 BC11 E11 E203 E211 E3 EM1 HR3 RA11 RA209 RA3 RA803 T11 T3 UR3 UR88; CH7; 13; Margaret Stewart
