#StructureFire - NOW OUT 03/01/2017

#StructureFire - NOW OUT ; 02:13AM; 15555 Saticoy St; https://goo.gl/maps/E1jbzsciJqT2; Van Nuys; 71 FF's took 54 minutes to extinguish fire (3:07 AM) at LDS Church facility; Flames were confined to a support area (kitchen?, hallway, attic) and prevented from damaging the church's sanctuary; No injury; Cause/Loss TBD; NFD (No Further Details); FS 90; Batt 10; Valley Bureau; Council District 6; Dispatched Units: E290 E90 T90 E81 RA881 RA81 E239 T39 BC10 E100 E288 T88 E287 T87 E89 CM42 BC15 RA90 EM15 AR2 E93 E273 T73 RT83 E83; CH: 9; 17; - Brian Humphrey
