Structure Fire - Now Out 12/25/2020 INC#0261

Structure Fire - Now Out; INC#0261; 04:06AM; 20453 W Rodax St;; Winnetka; 27 Firefighters took just 17 min (4:23 AM) to extinguish fire that was showing from the front door on their arrival, and appears to have originated in the kitchen and extended to the living room of the 1,300 square-foot one-story home. No human injury. Though the quick response and well-coordinated effort of firefighters saved 2 pet cats, 8 cats perished in the heat and smoke, and as many as 5 other cats remain unaccounted for. The cause of the fire remains under investigation,; FS 104; Batt 17; Valley Bureau; Council District 3; BC17 E104 E106 E273 E296 E39 RA104 T73 T96; CH8; 17; Brian Humphrey
