Structure Fire - Now Out 12/01/2020 INC#0658

Structure Fire - Now Out; INC#0658; 12:14PM; 3075 W Harrington Av;; Harvard Heights; At 11:56 PM, LAFD responded to a three-story apartment building (18 units) built in 1928, with fire in one third-floor unit. 48 firefighters quickly extinguished the flames in 18 minutes. Fire doors in the hallways operated as designed and with the help of firefighters, residents were able to shelter in place to avoid the smoke hazard in the building. Gas-powered blowers were used for horizontal ventilation of the structure to clear the smoke after the fire was out. No reported injuries. The cause of the fire is under investigation.; FS 26; Batt 11; Central Bureau; Council District 10; BC11 BC18 E11 E13 E211 E226 E229 E26 E29 RA11 RA26 RA826 SQ21 T11 T26 T29; CH9; 12; Nicholas Prange
