Structure Fire - Now Out 08/21/2021 INC#0732

Structure Fire - Now Out; INC#0732; 01:31PM; 14913 W Addison St;; Sherman Oaks; First arriving 20 LAFD Firefighters took just 11 minutes from the time the fire was reported (at 1:20 PM) to confine and extinguish flames in one room of a 1,000 square-foot one story home (built 1948). Though LAFD responders were able to safely rescue two pet cats and a one pet rabbit from the smoke charged residence, one pet cat and one pet tarantula perished in the flames. The adult male resident sustained a laceration to his hand in an apparent attempt to rescue the pets prior to the Fire Department's arrival. He was treated at the scene and declined hospital transport. No other injuries were reported. Monetary loss from the fire is still being tabulated. The cause of the fire was electrical.; FS 88; Batt 10; Valley Bureau; Council District 4; BC10 E239 E278 E288 E83 E88 RA39 RA83 RA88 T39 T78; CH9; 17; Brian Humphrey
