Structure Fire - Now Out 07/04/2024 INC#1172

Structure Fire - Now Out; INC#1172; 05:44PM; 14748 W Burbank Bl;; #ShermanOaks; Firefighters responded to a four-story apartment building (3 residential floors over a parking level) with smoke showing. Firefighters found flames consuming a balcony and burning inside of one unit. Crews quickly extinguished the flames, which appear to have started with a lithium ion battery on the balcony. Hazardous Materials specialists are responding to assist with disposing of the battery. Ultimately, it took 30 firefighters 23 minutes to extinguish the flames (6:07pm). No reported injuries. Crews are continuing to work to evacuate the smoke from the building. Nothing further.; FS 88; Batt 10; Valley Bureau; Council District 4; BC10 BC14 BC9 CM42 E102 E260 E288 E39 E88 E99 EM14 RA102 RA88 T39 T60 T88; CH9; 17; Nicholas Prange
