Structure Fire - Now Out 06/30/2024 INC#0374

Structure Fire - Now Out; INC#0374; 06:59AM; 8100 W Sunset Bl;; #HollywoodHillsWest; First-arriving companies reported a one-story single family dwelling with fire showing from the front. Firefighters proceeded in offensive mode -- breaching entrances to fight fire and search for victims, and ascending to the roof to ventilate pressurized smoke and heat. Full extinguishment accomplished in 35 minutes with 37 firefighters on-scene. Fire cause is unknown and under investigation.; FS 41; Batt 5; West Bureau; Council District 4; BC18 BC5 E227 E261 E27 E61 E97 RA27 RA827 T27 T61; CH9; 12; Lyndsey Lantz
