Structure Fire - Now Out 06/27/2023 INC#0247

Structure Fire - Now Out; INC#0247; 06:06AM; 1510 S Sycamore Av;; #MidCity; Firefighters responded to a single-family home to find a detached garage with fire showing. It took 35 firefighters 21 minutes to extinguish the flames. One adult male was found outside with burn injuries and Firefighter-Paramedics transported him to a local hospital. No firefighter injuries. Cause under investigation.; FS 68; Batt 18; South Bureau; Council District 10; BC18 E261 E294 E58 E61 E68 EM18 RA58 RA61 RA68 RA861 T61 T94; CH7; 12 13; Nicholas Prange
