Structure Fire - Now Out 06/01/2022 INC#1447

Structure Fire - Now Out; INC#1447; 06:18PM; 812 N Virgil Av;; #EastHollywood; 38 LAFD Firefighters took just 25 minutes to access, confine and fully extinguish (6:43 PM) a small contents fire within "Pet Joy" (a yet undetermined type pet business) in a row of one-story commercial occupancies. Firefighters performed a simultaneous search during fire attack, to rescue fifteen (15) animals from within the heavily smoke-charged premises. Sadly 2 dogs and 2 cats proved beyond medical help and perished at the scene. LAFD Firefighters are providing comfort and medical assistance, including oxygen via face mask to the remaining eight (8) dogs and three (3) cats, all of whom were exposed to smoke. Responders from the City's Department of Animal Services are en route to provide additional care and support (ETA 7:15 PM). No human injuries have been reported. The fire's cause remains under investigation.; FS 6; Batt 11; Central Bureau; Council District 13; BC11 E20 E211 E220 E235 E29 E482 E52 RA20 RA52 RA806 T11 T20 T35; CH9; 13; Brian Humphrey
