Structure Fire - Now Out 05/25/2024 INC#0151

Structure Fire - Now Out; INC#0151; 02:54AM; 20652 W Lassen St;; #Chatsworth; A total of 39 firefighters battled flames in a one-story single-family mobile home and extinguished the fire in 19 minutes. One patient was transported to the hospital, unknown age/gender/condition. LAPD Inc #0489. Cause under investigation. Nothing further. ; FS 107; Batt 15; Valley Bureau; Council District 12; BC12 BC15 BC17 CM40 CM42 E104 E107 E273 E28 E287 E296 E70 EM15 RA107 RA896 RA96 T73 T87 T96; CH8; 17; Nicholas Prange
