Structure Fire - Now Out 03/11/2022 INC#0923

Structure Fire - Now Out; INC#0923; 02:14PM; 11174 S Antwerp St;; #Watts; First arriving 28 LAFD Firefighters took just 18 minutes (2:32 PM) to access, confine and fully extinguish a contents/mattress fire within one apartment. One adult female civilian has minor burn injury. No other injuries reported. Fire cause under investigation.; FS 65; Batt 13; South Bureau; Council District 15; AR1 BC1 BC13 E14 E21 E233 E264 EM1 EM2 RA264 RA64 RA65 RA864 T21 T33 T64 + LACoFD E41 SQ41 BC13; CH9; 13; Brian Humphrey
