Structure Fire 12/01/2023 INC#0962

Structure Fire; INC#0962; 01:57PM; 9667 N Laramie Av;; Chatsworth; Single family dwelling, well involved in fire. Following protocol, firefighters were standing by due to multiple reports of person with gun involved in the house fire and LAPD reported shots fired. Firefighters got a line in place in a defensive position to knock back the bulk of the flames to provide LAPD the room to conduct their operation. LAPD then reported suspect in custody and firefighter/paramedics are responding to the patient for treatment/transport. Firefighters are now in an offensive operation for the original fire unit and any exposed homes. LAPD Inc# 2625; FS 107; Batt 15; Valley Bureau; Council District 12; BC15 BC17 E104 E107 E273 E296 E70 RA107 RA96 T73 T96; CH9; 18; Margaret Stewart
