Structure Fire 11/29/2019 INC#0980

Structure Fire; INC#0980; 03:21PM; 3865 S Victoria Av;; Baldwin Hills/Crenshaw; 28 firefighters found a one-story single family home containing fire in one room toward the back. Firefighters quickly deployed hose lines inside (while crews ventilated the roof above) and extinguished the flames in just 10 minutes, before the flames were able to extend to the attic or adjacent rooms. Primary and secondary search of the residence revealed all persons were out of the home. No reported injuries. Unknown cause/loss ; FS 94; Batt 18; South Bureau; Council District 10; BC18 E15 E215 E294 E68 RA894 RA94 T15 T94; CH9; 12; -Nicholas Prange
