Structure Fire 09/06/2019 INC#1062

Structure Fire; INC#1062; 03:18PM; 14060 W Astoria St;; Sylmar; Firefighters found a two-story assisted living facility with a dryer fire that was introducing smoke into the hallways. A partial evacuation of the facility is in effect. Residents that were directly affected are being checked out by paramedics. One elevator was stuck trapping at least one person. Firefighters were able to open up the elevator from hallway and free the occupant(s). The fire is out and firefighters are ventilating the building, mechanically bringing in fresh air to replace the smoke. Residents will be rehoused after the ventilation is complete; FS 91; Batt 12; Valley Bureau; Council District 7; BC12 E18 E275 E289 E298 E91 EM14 RA18 RA81 RA87 RA891 T75 T89 T98; CH8; 12; - Nicholas Prange
